Church bulletin

is the second greeting to newcomers. After a hearty welcome from greeters and door holders, visitors are handed a bulletin that affirms the message, “We are glad you’re here.”

A Church Bulletin help navigate the service. Because churches customize and print their own order of service on the interior pages of a bulletin, visitors know what to expect. From when to stand and sing, to when to bow heads to pray, bulletins take the surprise out of a church service.

church bulletin

A Church bulletin offers a context for other happenings in the church. On the back side of bulletins, churches can choose to print announcements, meetings, group get-togethers, and more. This kind of information helps a visitor understand what goes on beyond the service as well as the care and concern extended beyond the church walls.

When we stand in the presence of God and worship Him, our hearts awaken to His sovereignty. We trust more deeply. Submit more readily. Change more authentically.

Worship is powerful, but sometimes we need a catalyst to help us get into the right frame of heart and mind for worship, something to help us turn our thoughts toward God. Worship Bulletins help us do just that. They beckon us to seek the Lord. They invite us to meditate on His Word. They remind us of the price God paid for us through Jesus.

As Christians, we never reach perfection this side of heaven. Naturally, then we continue to grow in our faith until that day when we are united with Christ. Worship bulletins are one instrument churches can use to help us grow our faith. Combining striking images, artwork, Scripture, and original prose, bulletins remind us of God’s eternal truth, His never-ending love, and His desire for all of us to grow in His likeness.
